I’m glad to help you solve the problem. However, I do not see the code specified in the message. Please share the entire code detail that causes the error? This allows me to better understand the context and provide a more accurate solution.

Nevertheless, there are some possible reasons for «TypeError»: The ‘Donetype’ object cannot be entered the error when working with JSON files using Python:


  • Check syntax errors such as missing or inadequate brackets.

  • The file is not loaded properly : The json module loads files from the current working directory by default. If the JSON file is found elsewhere, you need to give the entire path.

  • Corruption of data : Damaged data on the JSON file can cause problems when they try to enter.

Here is a step -by -step guide to troubleshoot and solve the problem:

1. Check the json file

Open the JSON file in a word processor or here. Check that the content is the same. If everything seems correct, continue with the next step.

2. Ensure that the data is loaded correctly

Check that the json module successfully loads the file:


Import Json

The Open (‘Your_file.json’) as f:


Data = json.load (f)

Print (data)

Print the loaded json data

Except (FileNotFoundror, json.jsondecodeError):

Print («Error: File not found or JSON decoding error»))


3. Enter the full path of the JSON file

If you use a relative path, check that you are correct -e:


Import Json

Full_path = ‘Traveling Path/To/Your/File.json’

open (full_path) as f:


Data = json.load (f)

Print (data)

Print the loaded json data

Except (FileNotFoundror, json.jsondecodeError):

Print («Error: File not found or JSON decoding error»))


4. Check that there are -e damaged data

If you suspect the JSON file is injured, try to load another version:


Import Json

The Open (‘Coprupt_File.json’) f:


Data = json.load (f)

Print (data)

Print the loaded json data (or an error message if corrupt)

Except (FileNotFoundror, json.jsondecodeError):

Print («Error: File not found or JSON decoding error»))


5. Check your code

Check your code doubles to make sure the JSON file is loaded and processed properly.

If none of these steps solve the problem, please give you more details of the code and the JSON file (such as specific code series, file access) and will be happy to help!

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